Bucket O' Cake & Many Shades of Purple
I have a fabulous roommate who has been the source of many laughs. The Singular Miss T. When I say singular I mean she loves to make fun of couples walking across campus (in the privacy of our apartment) and add lots of sound effects. A girl after my own personality. Her latest feat of silliness features Miss T. posing with a tupperware container of cake with a couple sitting on the couch laughing at each other behind her. She then proceeds to pull out her phone and take a selfie on SnapChat captioning it "my life vs their life #bucketofcake." My apartment nearly died of laughter.
One of my other favorites happened shortly after I had returned home from class. Munching on whatever unhealthy snack I could find, Miss T came tromping in and flung her backpack onto the couch.
She then started pacing back and forth and launched herself into a magnificent tale. T had been walking back from one of her classes when she had spotted a couple doing some very normal couple-y things. They had been walking down the sidewalk and it had been rather chilly out so they had been holding hands, however the girl's and guy's hand where in the guy's sweatshirt. This apparently deserved several facial expressions and loud noises (one of which resembled a pterodactyl). The specific pterodactyl noises apparently required strutting back and forth behind the couch like a chicken.
Have you ever had one of those days where something seems too good to be true and there is a catch? Well, DownEast Basics was having a warehouse sale, everything 5$ and below. I went to this sale with my aunt and bought this cute teal sweater looking thing and decided to wear it a few days later. Upon removal of this article of clothing, I discovered my neck, arms, collarbone, back, and just about anywhere my tanktop didn't cover had been turned purple. The fabric had extra purple dye in it and it took several hard core scrubbing sessions to successfully wash all the purple problems off. It was everywhere... just... Ahh! Too much purple!
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