The Brutal Truth
OK, time to get up onto my podium here and reflect on my most recent major life decision: To put education on hold and serve a full time mission. Here's the brutal truth about it, it's not easy. It's hard. Probably one of the harder decisions I will make in my life.
I have been called anything from idiot to naive to stupid.
I have had trials put in my way specifically to trip me up.
I have walked away from people I care about.
I have compared all the could, should, would , whens, hows, buts, and what ifs...
I have felt the pain of preparing to leave loved ones behind, abandoning my comfort zone, and just feeling lost.
But here's the thing.
God will ease the pain and bare your burdens. He will comfort and strengthen you and you'll begin to witness many tiny miracles. He will help you make the most of it.
You are never alone no matter the sleepless nights, the moments of anxiety where you can't breath, when you lay curled up in your mom's lap battling the desire to run away what you're about to do. You will be blessed.
You will find strength to draw on.
You will teach.
You will learn.
You will find strength to draw on.
You will teach.
You will learn.
And you'll be better than you can ever imagine.
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