Easy Cures for Brief Spells of Sadness

Everyone is prone to feeling a little sad, myself included. Here are a few ideas to help you get back into updraft of happiness.

 1.  Random acts of dancing are okay. Yeah, you may get a few funny looks but waltzing around the kitchen is fun! I promise!  It gets even better if you manage to capture a small human and spin excessively. (Warning: Spinning with small children can and will lead to copious amounts of giggling, even when grumpy.)

2. Singing at the top of one's lungs is highly therapeutic. Sure, the one year old might give you "The Look," but who cares? As long as the cops don't get called on you for singing "Dance with me Tonight" by Ollie Murs (very very LOUDLY) you should be okay. Just try not to run into the chairs when swing dancing with your imagination.
3. Take the time to sit back and think of 5 things you have been blessed with. Be thankful for everything and everyone you have.
4. Call up your loved ones and tell them how much you care. It's a sad fact of life that they or you won't be around for ever. 

5. Be silly. Being silly and making yourself laugh is easily one of the best cures for a down day. Even if its goofing off with one of your friends and coming up with hair-brained plans, schemes, and adventures you know you'll never find time for or are impossible to accomplish. (Sorry, but Minions sadly don't exist... yet.) The silliness of life just makes things better. 

6. Re-read those letters or birthday cards. I highly recommend this for anyone who feels lonely or left out. Simple cards, notes, or letters remind a person that you are never alone. There are people out there who love you to the ends of the earth and that there are certain people somewhere out in the vast world who would do anything for you. 

7. Chocolate.
If you do not understand what I mean by chocolate you need professional help. 

8. Ask for life advice from little kids. It's amazing what comes out of a small child's mouth when you just ask. 

9. Smile

10. Hug a goat... or cat/dog/chicken/bird/flirtatioushuman/child whatever. Hugs do have proven health advantages!
- Reduce heart rates
- Increased moods

- Lower blood pressure
- Increase nerve activity

- Reduce levels of cortisol (stress hormone) if they are over 20 seconds long
- Increase levels of oxytocin (bonding hormone)
- Boosts the immune system
- Builds self esteem - Alleviates tension and releases endorphins



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