College Realizations

These are my Realizations about being a college student.
1. Homework- oh my gosh, lots of homework. It's practically coming out my ears.
2. Packing/Unpacking is a pain in the backside
3. Be prepared to meet all sorts of interesting people
5. There is a distinct lack of guy friends here which is very, very frustrating
6. It is very easy to figure out who the RM's are. (However, there are a few sneaky little devils where you cannot tell.)
7. Joking around and making people laugh is the easiest way to make friends
8. Everyone seems sane... until they are not
9. College students love food... or rather a good meal
10. It stinks not being able to wear shorts on Campus
11. I find the lack of mail in my mailbox disturbing >.>
12. It is very depressing when I run out of Peanut M&Ms
13. My parents have a massive sense of humor in getting me a stuffed animal to snuggle instead of the male species. (Well... Its worked so far!)
14. It's amazing how important people find you in class. I'm serious. I get out of class and I check my phone, 5 text messages, 2 missed calls, and a million and one facebook ninja notifications. I'm not kidding.
15. The Roomies are awesome. They all seem sane, smart, and hilarious so far. We seem to be the selectively klutzy group.
16. YSA is extraordinarily awkward... too quiet... wayyyy too quiet.
17. How many pairs of socks did I bring?
18. My SuperHero last name causes unwanted male attention.
19. Ouch! Bottom Bunk head attack!
20. Did I mention how much I miss my Doggie?


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